Sunday, March 30, 2008

-prawn fishing-

uuuhhmm... do you ever went to fishing prawn?? or fish?? ermm.. i can tell you one word.. GREAT!!! well, I had been fished prawns almost every week, addicted to it. It's needs patient and skills... Baby and I went to it last saturday, hehe.. kinda outdated thingy. Went to where?? Curious to know about it? The place we had fun and enjoyed ourselves so much. A HUGE support!!! hehe..

* ta da... Here it is *

* small pond contains much of prawns-countless... *

* the rod is rent for sgd30 3 hours - so flexible isn't it? hehe*

* Baby and I ( both of us were SLEEP LOOK) hohoho..*

* TA...DA!!! we caught the prawn!! and it is big!! *


* My eyes was so swollen... haikz.. not enough sleep that day- and I AM GETTING FATTER!! sh*t!!! =(*

* Baby turn *

oh ya, after the fishing prawn session, the prawns you caught can BBQ there immediately, they provided everything for the BBQ session.. don worry about the thingys. If you don't like BBQ, you can also asked the restaurant beside the ponds just for the "HOTTEN" the prawn.... =) of coz, you need to pay for the gas.
it's soooo nice!! you can smell the freshness of the prawns and of cause, it was sooo mouthwatering... yummy...
if not, you can bring home for self-cooking. its up to you!!! ;P

P/S: Guess what???!!!?!? I was shopped today again.. more picturetos are coming.. Desperate to see what i bought?? Nothing special actually. hehe.. Keep reading.. Okay, time for oooii oooii.. tomorrow working!! sigh~!!!

Good night readersss... Sweet dream ;)

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